4 Steps For Christians To Overcome Sinful Thoughts And Behavior

Being a Christian, it can be very difficult for you to remain pure. In this digital era where you have access to everything online on your smartphone, it is becoming even harder to live peacefully with a pure heart. Fortunately, one can prevent any thoughts of sin by filling their hearts and mind with positivity, Christian teachings, and gratitude. The first step you can take in this direction is to switch from meaningless, soulless music to Christian house music. It is more calming, soothing, and sense-awakening. 


Did you know when you commit any sin, you automatically commit it twice? Yes, it’s true. You do it first when you think about committing that sin and do it the second time when you act upon that thought. Thus, it is essential that you overcome any sin by attacking its root before you act on it. But before that, you must know how to distinguish between being tempted and sinning. When you allow sin to dwell in your thought, it becomes more difficult to stop it from being manifested itself in your daily life.


To help you lead a Christian life, here are some ways that you can find useful.


Give Some Time to Scripture Reading

Always remember that the knowledge you retain from scriptures acts like a barrier between you and your temptation for something wrong. It helps you identify the temptation earlier and give you the chance to walk on the right path. And an inspirational example of this is Jesus in the wilderness when fasted for 40 days and 40 nights straightaway. When Satan tempted Jesus, he responded with the word of God - “For man shall not live on the bread alone” (Matthew 4).


Believe in the Holy Spirit and Depend on It

Do you know why you see many Christians always praying? They prefer to pray whenever they get time so that the evil thoughts don’t enter their mind. Praying to God keeps their mind busy and thus, save them from thinking about doing any sin. Another reason is that the Holy Spirit is powerful and the flesh itself is weak. So, don’t rely entirely on your strength. Believe in the Holy Spirit as he will lead you to the right path.


Listen to Christian House Music and Songs

There are so many sinful triggers that you need to save yourself from. The easiest and comfortable way to avoid any temptation is to be careful of what you watch and listen to. Since Christian house music and songs are exclusively produced by artists who believe in the power of God and show their love for God by art, you will find them very purifying and enjoyable.


Replace the Unholy Thoughts with the Godly Pursuit

When you are a true follower of Jesus Christ, transform your life journey by replacing ungodly thoughts with the godly pursuit. This is possible only through the renewal of the mind and heart. For that, again, you can follow scriptures to guide your mind and heart.


Being a Christian is not just following a religion, it is about being a good, worthy person who follows the righteous path and overcomes the evil.


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